Found this book from my grand parents attic. It's a Finnish version (third edition, printed in 1952) of Brothers Grimm's Children's and Household Stories II, written between 1812 and 1857.
Harry Potter, you're a wimp, this is the real shit.
"The stories in Kinder- und Hausmärchen include scenes of violence that have since been sanitized. For example the Grimms' version of "Snow White" ends with the stepmother dancing at Snow White's wedding wearing a pair of red-hot iron shoes that kill her; another story has a servant being pushed into a barrel "studded with sharp nails" and then rolled down the street. The Grimms' version of "The Frog Prince" describes the princess throwing the frog against a wall instead of kissing him. Some of extent the cruelty and violence may have been a reflection of medieval culture from which the tales originated, such as scenes of witches burning, as described "The Six Swans". - Wikipedia |